Author 4, Article 1, Date: 9/21/2016.
大家好,我是德州的老中,我叫Tom Lu,90年代来美国留学,后来一直在金融业工作,我是Trump的铁杆支持者,最近有个朋友把我拉进这个群,很高兴和大家交个朋友,在这里我想恳请各位,在美国的老中朋友不要投票给希拉里,投票给Donald Trump,并且有可能的话,去Trump网站给他的竞选捐钱www.donaldjtrump.com,20块,30块都可以,我已经捐了好多次了。
我于8月6日用英文写了篇文章《My Analysis of US Illegal Immigration》,转发在下面,原来主要的观众是不明真相的美国人,不过也和老中分享一下。
美国已经处在非常非常危险的时刻,Donald Trump如果能兑现他的诺言,将会成为唯一能拯救美国的人。
1. 我们老中在人口比例上远远低于墨墨和老黑,尽管如此我们也要发动最大限度去给Trump投票,从加州到纽约,只要是老中比较集中的地方,大家最好奔走相告。
2. 跟墨墨,老黑,甚至大多数白人相比,我们老中比较富裕,票不够,可以捐款,Trump现在需要资金在摇摆州打电视广告,那些州是Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Colorado, North Caroline,希拉里背后有华尔街大金主支持,其资金大大超过Trump,现在摇摆州的电视广告都是希拉里攻击Trump的,形势很严峻。
3. 凡是支持希拉里的老中,大多数是不明真相的善良群众,我们要尽量好言相劝,晓之以情,动之以理,尽量把他们争取到Trump的支持者来,只要把利害关系说清楚,大多数老中还是会明白过来的。
一下是我的英文文章My Analysis on US Illegal Immigration
My Analysis on US illegal immigration
August 6 2016
America is a country of compassion and generosity. America is a country of immigrants. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” was written on Statue of Liberty. Welcoming immigrants is one of the American ideals that inspire the whole world. America is also a country of rule of law. Rule of law is the guardian angel for our democracy to survive in this country. It makes America an exceptional nation. I’m a person of pro-immigration, but only legal immigration, and I’m opposed to illegal immigration wherever illegal immigrants come from.
Massive migrants cross southern border and enter this country illegally every year. The social and economic impact is studied and vehemently debated. The consensus is in order to solve the illegal immigration problem, we have to eliminate the economic disparity between US and Mexico. It’s practically undoable. Mexico will not be able to do it on their own for sure. Instead, it will almost require US to annex Mexico as its 51st state, install a series of western institutions and re-establish social justice system in Mexico. When this nation building process is finished, their economy would likely be on par with the US’s. Mexicans would no longer have incentives to come illegally. In 1845, US successfully did such a thing with the state of Texas. But world politics is very different now from then. Mexico is a sovereign state. Mexican government will not let the annexation happen. We have to give up this illusion of eliminating economic disparity between US and Mexico. An alternative solution is to build a wall along US-Mexico border as proposed by Donald Trump. To build a wall will not 100% stop illegal immigrants, but it will largely reduce it. As Trump said the wall will have a door. Mexicans will still be able to come, but they will come legally through the door.
Massive amount of illegal immigration over the years and decades is dragging some parts of this country into a third world country with lawlessness and poverty. To say illegal immigrants paying equal taxes or even paying more taxes than legal immigrants and average citizens is just a lie. Well-intentioned American people need to be told the truth about illegal immigration, politics behind it and reality of it. The truth is we don’t really have reliable data on how many illegal immigrants have come and what’s the economic impact, since there is no government record available on their entry, their presence and their economic activities. Based on my anecdotal experience, I’m confident most of illegal immigrants are employed in underground economy. Their financial income is in a form of cash, unreported and undocumented. They don’t pay income tax or pay inadequate taxes simply because they don’t have the means to pay. Only US border patrol agency has firsthand information on how bad illegal immigration situation is because they are the boots on the ground. They are doing a hard job to guard 2000 miles borders. They spot and capture illegal immigrants on daily basis. They endorsed Donald Trump for his wall idea early this year in this election cycle.
Next, a question crossed my mind on whether we should grant amnesty to illegal immigrants and open our border to admit anyone who wants to come.
Does US have infinite capacity to admit and absorb millions of low skilled, low educated and non-English speaking illegal immigrants? Liberal activists claim that low skilled illegal immigrants do the work that Americans are unwilling to do. I’d like to challenge that claim. America was founded by hard working Americans. Being hard working is a great virtue in American culture. It’s hard to imagine there are jobs Americans are unwilling to do if it pays right. There is a nearly 50% unemployment rate among African Americans. Why don’t we put these unemployed Americans into work before we let migrant workers in to do the job? The perpetuated high unemployment among African Americans is an erosion to the national morale, and it contributes to disproportionally high crime rates and poverty among African Americans. Recently it has fueled social unrest as we’ve seen. No responsible government will do anything other than put the interest of their citizens ahead of anyone else.
If we grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, it will be grossly unfair to legal immigrants who have gone through the process. It will put the legitimacy of the whole legal system into a very weak spot. At last, it will motivate millions more to come illegally. That’s a sure thing.
Over years Democrats and Republicans are in competition of government power. They try to court Hispanics in order to expand their voting bloc because Hispanics are the fastest growing demographic group. In this competition, Democrats are doing better job than Republicans because Democrats have been doing this for much longer time. In 2013, 4 prominent republican and 4 Democrat lawmakers drafted an amnesty bill so called gang of 8 bill which provided a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants who are already here. That legislative attempt failed because it didn’t have enough public support. They did not give up. They hire lobbyists and pundits to manufacture stories and statistics through media in order to sway public opinions. These stories and statistics romanticize the life experience of illegal immigrants and glorify their contribution. In fact, there are many bad elements and dark side stories about illegal immigration, but they just sweep them under the rug. Vast majority of illegal immigrants are not criminals, but a small percentage of them do bring harms to American society. I lived in Houston Texas so-called sanctuary city in the past 7 years, I have heard and witnessed heinous crimes committed by illegal immigrants. I witnessed a Houston police officer named Kevin Will was killed by a drunk driving illegal immigrant who had been repeatedly deported but re-entered. Sarah Root in Nebraska and Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco are the familiar names of victims killed by illegal immigrants. The long but incomplete list of the victims can be found in http://www.ojjpac.org/memorial.asp. As Donald Trump said in Republican National Convention, “these victims and families have no special interests to represent them. There are no demonstrators to protest on their behalf”. Why do we allow massive unscreened and unvetted illegal immigrants to come and stay? This is not how things are supposed to work. If everybody comes legally, wait in line for his/her turn, meet certain criteria such as having needed job skills and no criminal record, being turned away if the criteria are not met, register with the government, such tragedies will be largely reduced. Even loss of one innocent American life at the hands of an illegal immigrant is just too many. Between the choice of admitting massive unscreened and unvetted illegal immigrants and not, I would vote for not to putting innocent lives of American people at risk. This is just how my moral compass guides me.
I myself is an immigrant from China. There is an influx of highly educated legal immigrants from China and India in recent decades including myself. We embrace American value as well as follow the rule of law. In addition, we hold our common sense. What I have learned is despite the mainstream media bashing and being biased, Trump’s wall resonated with Chinese Americans, a community which is historically apolitical. We believe it strikes a right balance between American ideal as a nation of immigrants and a nation of rule of law. In Republican primaries, Chinese Americans from coast to coast overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump for his wall idea. Most people in my community will vote for Donald Trump in general election.
—- Leining Tom Lu, TX