Email Template for Reference – Stand with Sherry Chen
Subject: Stand with Sherry Chen Rally for hearing against government
Gentlemen (Dear Sir or Madam),
I would like to make you aware of this rally event taking place in outside the federal court room 305 at 100 E 5th Street, Cincinnati, OH on March 14 and 15. Communities from around Ohio and nationwide are gathering together to support Ms. Sherry Chen.
Ohioan Sherry Chen was an award winning scientist at National Weather Service and her work was used by National Weather Service, US. Army Corps of Engineers and several other agencies to avoid loss of lives and property damage from Midwest to East Coast. Ms. Chen’s life was turned upside down when Sherry was wrongfully accused of espionage by the government in 2014. After a national outcry, the charges were all dropped before trial in 2015. However, Ms. Chen was dismissed in 2016 based on the same unfounded acussations.
Sherry is appealing to the Federal Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) against the government for wrongful termination, racial discrimination and retaliation. The hearing will take place in Cincinnati.
Ms. Sherry Chen’s case has received wide coverage by many news media outlets including CBS, NBC, New York Times, The Huffinton Post, and Washington Post.
More than 40 U.S. Congress members and United States Commission on Civil Rights also spoke out asked Department of Justice to investigate the unfair treatment to Ms. Sherry Chen.
This is a high profile, newsworthy event that many people would be interested in. Would you be able to send someone to cover this?
Details of the rally event can be found at
Thank you for your consideration. Please let me know if you have any questions.