Community Action Alert!
Voice Your Concern with FBI Director Wray’s Remarks on Chinese Students
Many in Asian American communities, particularly Chinese Americans, are shocked and concerned to hear high-ranking U.S. officials characterize students, professors and scientists of Chinese origin as potential national security threats in a recent Senate hearing. This broad characterization targeting people by national origin is against the American values and federal laws. It exacerbates the bias against all Chinese Americans because an average American in general cannot tell the difference between Chinese foreign students and scholars and U.S. citizens of Chinese descent.
Spurred by the community’s broad concerns, OCAA helped coordinated an effort by the leaders of 14 national organizations in writing a letter on March 1st to FBI Director with a request for a meeting. Given that several Chinese American scientists in recent years have been mistakenly targeted for prosecution of espionage-related charges, these organizations seek to create an ongoing dialogue with the FBI to foster better communications and mutual understanding between these communities and the FBI. Now is your turn.