Rally to Support Sherry Chen Hearing
OCAA is partnering with multiple community organizations and civic leaders in Ohio and nationwide to organize rallies to support Sherry Chen’s hearing. More details to come. Please help spread the word!
Sherry Chen was a respected scientist at National Weather Service in Wilmington, Ohio, and her work was used by US. Army Corps of Engineers to avoid loss of lives and property damages from East Coast to Midwest. Sherry received National Weather Association’s Larry R. Johnson Special Award in recognizing her extraordinary accomplishments that significantly contributed to operational meteorology.
Her life was turned upside down when Sherry was wrongfully charged of espionage by the government, but all of the charges were dropped before trial. The New York Times called for “an explanation or apology from the government.” in its editorial. However, Department of Commerce (DOC), the parent agency of National Weather Service, terminated Ms. Chen’s federal employment in 2016 based on the same unfounded charges.
Sherry Chen is appealing to the Federal Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) against DOC for wrongful termination, racial discrimination and retaliation. The hearing will take place at
Date: March 14 and 15, 2017, 9:00 am –
Location: U.S. Courthouse, 100 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
The communities around Ohio are working together to support Sherry Chen. We are calling for supporters to attend the hearing, and rally outside the courthouse.
Help Sherry Chen, is help ourselves!
Sign up to help at tinyurl.com/Signup2SupportSherry.
华人在职场如何避免成为中美利益冲突的牺牲品 “Tackle Employment Conflict of Interest Pitfalls as an Immigrant Worker”. 华裔科学家陈霞芬现身说法, 劳工法专家指点谜津
时间: 2017年2月26日下午2点 -3:30
地点:华夏中文学校 (inside Mason High School), 6100 Mason Montgomery Rd, Mason, OH 45040
组织: 俄州华人协会, 华夏中文学校, 华人教授与科学家协会, 百人会。